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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
7321 Parkway Drive South, Hanover, MD 21076, USA
self concept disability university gender perceived social support

Self-Concept of Chilean and Portuguese University Students with Disabilities: Gender and Participation in Support Programmes

Bárbara Valenzuela-Zambrano , Helena Chacón-López , María Dolores López-Justicia , Anabela Panão-Ramalho

This study was designed to investigate the state of self-concept among Chilean and Portuguese university students with disabilities with the aim of in.


This study was designed to investigate the state of self-concept among Chilean and Portuguese university students with disabilities with the aim of introducing proposals to help their inclusion and academic performance. First, the two samples compared separately students with and without disabilities with their peers and subsequently both were compared with students with disabilities from both countries. The role of gender and participation in support programmes for students with disabilities was also examined. The instrument used was the AF5-Scale, which assesses five dimensions of self-concept (academic, social, emotional, family and physical) and a socio-demographic form. The results (applying a non-parametric analysis) showed that students with disabilities in both countries presented lower scores for physical self-concept than peers without disabilities, the Chilean students being those who obtained the lower scores when comparing only students with disabilities. Women showed higher academic self-concept, but worse emotional self-concept than men. Finally, it was found that students participating in support programmes have a higher physical self-concept than those who do not. It is concluded that a way to improve the deficit in self-concept in both samples could be associated with participation in these support programmes.

Keywords: Self-concept, disability, university, gender, perceived social support

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