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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS
Research Article

A Critical Thinking Assessment Model Integrated with Science Process Skills on Chemistry for Senior High School

Kriswantoro , Badrun Kartowagiran , Eli Rohaeti

Every school should be able to equip students to have the ability to integrate the knowledge gained with real life in responding to global challenges..


Every school should be able to equip students to have the ability to integrate the knowledge gained with real life in responding to global challenges. Assessment of learning outcomes in the form of cognitive and skill aspects must go hand in hand. This study aims to produce: (1) a critical thinking model integrated with the science process, (2) construct validity and reliability instruments that measure the integrated critical thinking skills of science process skills in high school chemistry learning. This assessment model uses the Design and Development approach which refers to the Ellis & Levy model, namely: (1) problem (2) goal setting, (3) model design and development, (4) model testing, (5) evaluation of the test result model, and (6) application model. The validity assessment consisted of 3 measurement and measurement experts, 2 chemistry education experts, and 2 treatments. The trial sample described 289 high school students in Sleman Regency. Proving the validity of the content using the Aiken formula gets a value of 0.923 in the good category. Internal instrument reliability is included in the reliable category with a value of 0.886 (> 0.7), while the Composite Reliability ranges from 0.88 to 0.90. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the value of the Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) was 0.021 <0.08, the Chi-Square obtained from <2df testing was 38.29 <2 (34) and the Goodness of fit Index (GFI) was 0.97. > 0.90 or a model declared according to the data obtained in the field and can be used in extensive measurements.

Keywords: Assessment model, critical thinking, science process skills.

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