A Psychometric Validation of the Sociomathematical Norm Scale for Senior High School Students in Mathematics Learning
Samsul Maarif
Joko Soebagyo
Trisna Roy Pradipta
Sri Adi Widodo
Students in mathematics classes do not understand the importance of sociomathematical norms in learning mathematics. This causes sociomathematical nor.
- Pub. date: April 15, 2024
- Pages: 541-556
- 0 Citations
- #Developments scale
- # learning mathematics; psychometric validation
- # RASCH model
- # sociomathematical norms.
Students in mathematics classes do not understand the importance of sociomathematical norms in learning mathematics. This causes sociomathematical norms not to be teachers' focus when learning mathematics. Besides, there is no standardized instrument for assessing this norm, so developing this instrument is necessary to measure socio-mathematical norms in learning mathematics. This study aims to create and verify the psychometric validity of the sociomathematical norm scale. This research used a survey method with 505 senior high school students from Jakarta and West Java as respondents. The results showed that 25 items had convergent validity, with a loading factor value of > 0.700, meaning they could be declared valid. Concurrent validity indicates that each sociomathematical norms indicator is valid as a whole. Discriminant validity shows that the average variance extracted value on the diagonal is higher than the other values, so each item is declared valid. It was concluded that each item of the sociomathematical norms instrument has accuracy in its measurement function. The reliability test shows that each sociomathematical norms item is declared reliable. The reliability value of the sociomathematical norm item is .99, and the person's reliability is .86. Thus, the instruments developed can measure sociomathematical norms in learning mathematics.
developments scale learning mathematics psychometric validation rasch model sociomathematical norms
Keywords: Developments scale, learning mathematics; psychometric validation, RASCH model, sociomathematical norms.
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