Adaptation of Teachers’ Teaching Thinking Practices Scale into English
This study aims to adapt teachers’ classroom practices for teaching thinking scale from Turkish to English culture. The scale includes 21 items..
This study aims to adapt teachers’ classroom practices for teaching thinking scale from Turkish to English culture. The scale includes 21 items. Each item has 5-point Likert type. It has 4 factors: Effectiveness of Teaching Thinking, Loyalty to Curriculum, Teacher Dependence and Encouraging Thinking. In the first step, statistical analyses were administrated to achieve linguistic equivalence. To do that, the data were collected from 30 English teachers with 20 day intervals. In the second step, the data collected from 148 native English teachers were analysed by Confirmatory Factor Analyses. Good level fitting indices were found at the end of this process. Cronbach Alpha coefficient value was found to be .90. For Convergence and Discriminating validity, which means construct validity, correlations between sub-dimensions and average explained variance values were calculated and found good sufficient levels. Items in the scale were discriminating. As a result of this study, it was found that English translation of the scale was statistically valid and reliable.
Keywords: Teaching thinking, classroom practices, linguistic validity, teaching thinking practices.
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