Addressing Preservice Teacher’s Reasons for Mathematics and Test Anxiety
Mathematics anxiety in initial teacher education is a growing issue that reflects on teacher quality and their student’s maths anxiety and abili.
- Pub. date: July 15, 2022
- Pages: 1715-1728
- 3 Citations
Mathematics anxiety in initial teacher education is a growing issue that reflects on teacher quality and their student’s maths anxiety and abilities. Previous studies have presented a range of different perspectives to mathematics anxiety. We aimed to explore further the reasons of mathematics anxiety in preservice teachers and suggest some intervention strategies in reducing maths anxiety for initial teacher education systems. We used a mixed methodology in this research analysing both qualitative data along with some quantified data derived from qualitative data sources. The findings provide insights to causes of maths and test anxiety along with some intervention strategies that teacher educators can use in their future teaching.
intervention strategies for maths anxiety lantite maths anxiety teacher preparation quality test anxiety
Keywords: Intervention strategies for maths anxiety, LANTITE, maths anxiety, teacher preparation quality, test anxiety.
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