Alternative Observation Tools for the Scope of Contemporary Education Supervision: An Action Research
In this study, in-class lesson observations were made with volunteer teachers working in primary and secondary schools using alternative observation t.
- Pub. date: April 15, 2018
- Pages: 329-340
- 0 Citations
- #Contemporary education supervision
- # alternative observation tools primary school teacher
- # secondary school teacher
In this study, in-class lesson observations were made with volunteer teachers working in primary and secondary schools using alternative observation tools regarding the scope of contemporary educational supervision. The study took place during the fall and spring semesters of the 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 academic years and the class observations were made with six alternative volunteer teachers in the primary and secondary schools in the provincial and district centers using alternative observation tools. In the classroom observations, the teacher's verbal flow scheme, teacher's movement scheme and student behaviors both during tasks and not, were analyzed. Observations were made during the two classes with teacher's permission. After the first observation, an information meeting was held and then the second observation was made. Following the observations, interviews were held with the teachers. In interviews, the information about the class observations was shared with teachers and their opinions about research were asked. It has been found that alternative observations, in general, have a positive effect on the professional development of teachers. It is concluded that this type of observation approach positively affects teachers' in-class activities, helps in classroom management and teaching arrangements and positively affects student's unwanted behaviors.
contemporary education supervision alternative observation tools primary school teacher secondary school teacher
Keywords: Contemporary education supervision, alternative observation tools primary school teacher, secondary school teacher
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