An Examination of Blended Learning in Higher Education Over a Two-Decade Period (2003-2022): Insights Derived From Scopus Database
Xuan Mai Vo
Cuong Do-Hong
Thi Hong Lien Do
Thi Minh Tam Ha
Cam Tu Vu
With the current rate of technological advancements, higher education institutions around the world are increasingly adopting a wide variety of techno.
- Pub. date: October 15, 2024
- Online Pub. date: September 04, 2024
- Pages: 1821-1840
- 0 Citations
With the current rate of technological advancements, higher education institutions around the world are increasingly adopting a wide variety of technology-related approaches to instruction. One of the teaching strategies used on digital platforms that has been successfully and widely adopted in higher education institutions is blended learning (BL). The objective of this investigation is to provide a comprehensive examination of the research efforts on BL in the context of higher education (HE) over the past 20 years, including the rise in publications, the most cited scientific journals and sources, and the upcoming research topics. This paper uses bibliometric analysis with a dataset of 651 documents from Scopus data, including 638 authors from 95 countries published in 271 journal sources. The results of the study show that the top three countries for BL research in higher education are the United Kingdom, the United States, and Australia; the authors with the highest citation indexes are D. R. Garrison and B. Means, and the top two publishing sources are Education and Information Technologies and Internet and Higher Education. Based on the analysis, the main trends detected are (a) student participation and environment, (b) educational technology instructional innovation, (c) effective instructional strategies within the parameters of the COVID-19 pandemic, (d) effectiveness of evaluation in BL environments and (e) BL with Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and Learning Management System (LMS) in HE. These findings offer meaningful insights to early career researchers who consult the publications and research lists above, as well as to policy makers who develop suitable BL in HE policies.
Keywords: Bibliometric analysis, blended learning, higher education.
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