An Investigation on Students Academic Performance for Junior Secondary Schools in Botswana
The major purpose of the study was to investigate factors which contribute to the decline in students’ academic performance in junior secondary .
- Pub. date: July 15, 2014
- Pages: 111-127
- 14 Citations
- #Academic performance
- # Botswana
- # quality education
- # parental involvement
- # instructional leadership
- # junior secondary schools
The major purpose of the study was to investigate factors which contribute to the decline in students’ academic performance in junior secondary schools in Botswana since 2010. The study was mainly quantitative and used the positivist inquiry paradigm. The study employed critical theory for its theoretical framework. Questionnaires were used to gather data from two hundred participants. Some documents were analyzed to supplement the information collected through the questionnaire. Data were analysed using the computer package known as Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 15. The findings of the study showed that there were several factors that can contribute toward students’ low academic performance ranging from low staff morale to students unpreparedness for the examinations. The study, therefore, recommends that high teacher’s morale, availability of resources and parental involvement are critical for the attainment of high quality education in Botswana secondary schools. Furthermore, the findings of the study have implications for research and practice.
academic performance botswana quality education parental involvement instructional leadership junior secondary schools
Keywords: Academic performance, Botswana, quality education, parental involvement, instructional leadership, junior secondary schools
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