Analysis of Science Images Presence in Cartoons (A Turkish TV Channel Case)
Knowledge is an essential part of the continuity of humanity. Access to science is through knowledge and vice versa. Children are mostly preoccupied w.
Knowledge is an essential part of the continuity of humanity. Access to science is through knowledge and vice versa. Children are mostly preoccupied with television, mainly with children's programs on television channels especially cartoons. Cartoons are produced in order to entertain children and to contribute to their development and maturation. Since access to knowledge is through science, it is important that cartoons contain scientific images. Through the presentation and interaction with science images, cartoons arouse children’s interest in science and contribute to their devotion to science. The aim of the present study is to determine if science images are included in cartoons and to what extent. The research is conducted in line with qualitative research method according to the case model. Whereas the population of the study is the cartoons broadcasted in the Turkish mass media, while determining the sampling method, purposive sampling has been preferred and thus currently broadcasted cartoons at TRT Cocuk (Turkish Radio and Television Children) channel, providing access to various cartoons from the same source, selected. Relevant data has been collected using " Form for Analyzing Scientific Image Presence in Cartoons” developed and applied by the researcher. The study has determined that the cartoons broadcasted include science images according to their thematic features.
Keywords: Cartoon, science, image, science images, TRT Cocuk channel, children
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