Analysis of Socialization Situations via Sport-based Physical Activity among Students at a School of Physical Education and Sports
This study aims to determine socialization situations via sport-based physical activity among students at a school of physical education and sports in.
This study aims to determine socialization situations via sport-based physical activity among students at a school of physical education and sports in terms of their demographic features. The population of the study comprises of 480 students studying in different departments at School of Physical Education and Sports at University of Yozgat Bozok during 2017-2018 academic year. The sample of the study comprises of 300 students selected based on convenience sampling method and studying at different departments of School of Physical Education and Sports at University of Yozgat Bozok during 2017-2018 academic year. Personal information form and socialization via sport-based physical activity developed by Yildirim was used as a data collection tool in this search. Frequency analysis, arithmetic mean, t test, Anova test and post-hoc tests were used in the data analysis. The findings of the study demonstrate that significant differences were found between socialization sub-dimensions and sport-based physical activity in terms of gender, monthly expenses, academic department and sports branch varibles (p<.05).
Keywords: Physical activity, socializing, university, student
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