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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS
Research Article

Anxiety-Related Emotions of University Students When Using English as a Foreign Language in Class: Comparing Health and Educational Sciences

Cristina Manchado-Nieto , Laura V. Fielden-Burns

In the realm of education, particularly in the domain of second language acquisition, understanding the intricate interplay between emotions and learn.


In the realm of education, particularly in the domain of second language acquisition, understanding the intricate interplay between emotions and learning processes is a challenging endeavor. This research aims to explore the importance of studying anxiety-related emotions in the learning and teaching of English as a foreign language by conducting a study based on a quantitative methodology. To that end, a 33-item instrument was given to a total of 231 (n=231) university students who learn and use English in class in diverse degrees in the social and health sciences. The results obtained shed light on the negative emotions that students report during their English classes, such as fear, shame, nervousness, or feelings of judgement. However, not all the emotions are negative, since students also feel relaxed and interested. This study offers a new perspective on this topic since it compares different disciplines, underscoring the need to detect trends in different areas and therefore tailor pedagogy to different student profiles and degree programs.

Keywords: Anxious emotions, discipline comparison, educational sciences, English as a foreign language, health sciences, university students.

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