Anxiety toward Math: A Descriptive Analysis by Sociodemographic Variable
Nemesis Larracilla-Salazar
Elena Moreno-Garcia
Milka Elena Escalera-Chavez
The following analysis provides evidence from the comparative levels of anxiety towards mathematics of the variables from the categories presented by .
The following analysis provides evidence from the comparative levels of anxiety towards mathematics of the variables from the categories presented by the AMARS and sociodemographic variables as well. A sample of 381 economics students in Mexico answered the survey. For data analysis, descriptive statistics (x̄, Sd.) was carried out and to identify if there are significant differences of means in the sociodemographic variables, the ANOVA analysis was carried out. Although in general the anxiety towards mathematics presented in Mexican economics students is “very little”, in the dimension of mathematical evaluation the results of the descriptive analysis show that economics students from the south of Mexico have more anxiety than students from other regions. Regarding gender, women feel more anxiety than men towards mathematics evaluation. Likewise, students from public institutions show greater anxiety towards mathematics in the evaluation processes than those belonging to private. Finally, ANOVA test showed that the variable Region showed values less than 0.05 in two of three dimensions (ANXTASK and ANXCOUR). The ANXEVAL dimension showed values < 0.05 in the variable Gender as the ANXEVAL and ANXCOUR showed values < 0.05 in the variable University, this because there is a difference in means.
Keywords: Anxiety towards mathematics, economics students, gender, region, type of university.
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