Applying Augmented Reality Technology in STEM Education: A Bibliometrics Analysis in Scopus Database
Nguyen Truong Giang
Ngo Van Dinh
Pham Nguyen Hong Ngu
Do Bao Chau
Nguyen Phuong Thao
Trinh Thi Phuong Thao
Augmented reality offers diverse potential applications for STEM education, enabling students to engage directly with virtual elements in real-time an.
- Pub. date: January 15, 2025
- Online Pub. date: November 09, 2024
- Pages: 73-87
- 0 Citations
Augmented reality offers diverse potential applications for STEM education, enabling students to engage directly with virtual elements in real-time and providing them with immersive, natural experiences. This study conducted a bibliometric analysis of articles on this topic on the Scopus database to determine some quantitative information, such as general information about publications, countries, institutions, authors with the most contributions, and key trends in applying augmented reality technology in STEM education. An analysis of 201 studies published from 2005 to 2023 using Biblioshiny software and VOSviewer reveals that the United States leads in the number of studies conducted on this issue. Kryvyi Rih National University, Ukraine, has the most studies. The authors who contributed the most studies with the most citations on this issue are Lindner, C. and Rienow, A. from Ruhr University Bochum, Germany. Two primary research trends emerge, focusing on how Augmented Reality technology is utilized, particularly in STEM fields like Chemistry, which combines learning forms with other learning support tools and media such as mobile applications. Secondly, integrating augmented reality and virtual reality technologies into STEM programs at the university level, design of games, and virtual tools. This study offers important data for researchers looking to explore future applications of augmented reality technology within STEM education.
Keywords: Augmented reality, bibliometrics, Scopus, STEM education.
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