Artificial Intelligence Tools in Environmental Education: Facilitating Creative Learning about Complex Interaction in Nature
This article aims to answer the research question: How do 5th grade students experience the use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools to create a comi.
- Pub. date: April 15, 2025
- Online Pub. date: February 20, 2025
- Pages: 395-413
- 0 Citations
This article aims to answer the research question: How do 5th grade students experience the use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools to create a comic strip describing the survival struggle between the Myna and the Lesser Kestrel? This study utilized a case-study approach to examine the advantages and challenges experienced by 5th grade students using AI tools to create a comic strip about the Lesser Kestrel's survival struggle. Data were collected through qualitative methods, including student reflections, drawings, and analyses of the comic strips they created. Additionally, a questionnaire was used to assess students' attitudes towards the four components of 21st century skills: Creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, and communication. The study indicates that the development of 21st century skills among students requires a collaborative effort involving both parents and teachers. It is not sufficient to rely solely on technological tools; there must be intermediary processes and support from teachers, who are obliged to adjust their teaching methods. Additionally, a teaching approach that supports the creation of a future citizen with a humanistic outlook and awareness of the complexity of life, is essential. This approach develops students' environmental citizenship, which is also an important 21st century skill. This involves integrating ethical, inclusive, and holistic perspectives to address complex problems, such as the survival struggle between the Lesser Kestrel and Myna.
Keywords: Artificial intelligence, eco-humanism, Lesser Kestrel, 21st century skills.
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