College English Language Teaching Reform and Key Factors Determining EFL Teachers’ Professional Development
Sun Zhiyong
Priyadarshini Muthukrishnan
Gurnam Kaur Sidhu
Owing to the rapid expansion and development of newly upgraded undergraduate colleges and universities in China, the Ministry of Education implemented.
- Pub. date: October 15, 2020
- Pages: 1393-1404
- 8 Citations
- #College English Language Teaching Reform
- # EFL teachers
- # teacher professional development;
- #self-reflection
- # teaching practice.
Owing to the rapid expansion and development of newly upgraded undergraduate colleges and universities in China, the Ministry of Education implemented the College English Language Teaching Reform (CELTR) to improve College English language teaching and learning at higher institutions. This reform aims to improve the quality of teaching and learning of English as a Foreign Language (EFL). The present study aims to identify potential factors influencing the EFL teachers’ professional development in the context of the College English language curriculum reform in mainland China. In total, 92 EFL college teachers from a newly upgraded university located in Nanyang City, Central China participated in this study, and data were collected using a survey questionnaire. Overall, the findings indicate that the EFL teachers’ professional development improved during the implementation process of CELTR and the potential factors that contributed to their professional development were teachers’ understanding, self-reflection, and teaching practice.
college english language teaching reform efl teachers teacher professional development self reflection teaching practice
Keywords: College English Language Teaching Reform, EFL teachers, teacher professional development;,self-reflection, teaching practice.
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