Computational Thinking Development: Benefiting from Educational Robotics in STEM Teaching
Cucuk Wawan Budiyanto
Kristof Fenyvesi
Afra Lathifah
Rosihan Ari Yuana
The delivery of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) learning to improve an individual’s competence and future career interes.
The delivery of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) learning to improve an individual’s competence and future career interests has become a critical scientific undertaking for teachers and researchers alike. A plethora of research has proposed various hands-on robotics activities built on constructivist theories, thereby facilitating the development of knowledge based on reality for scientific and non-scientific stakeholders. Robotics may become an essential focus point within technology provision, which is an essential underlying characteristic for the seminal development of computational thinking (CT). However, despite the potential benefit of CT in developing an individual’s problem-solving skills, strategies for improving this ability through hands-on robotics activities largely remain underexplored. This paper highlights the constructs drawn from hands-on robotics activities in a STEM workshop designed for pre-service teacher students. The qualitative research design involved eight participants to investigate the responses of pre-service teachers to a hands-on robotics activity intended to provide STEM material. The research findings emphasise the correlations between the CT principles and STEM learning phases and underscore the roles played by educational robotics to enhance previous literature on learning experience.
Keywords: Computational thinking, educational robotics, hands-on activities, STEM learning cycle.
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