Conceptual Model for the Assessment of Academic Productivity in Research Seedbeds From a Systematic Review
Magda Alejandra Martinez-Daza
Lira Isis Valencia-Quecano
Alfredo Guzmán-Rincón
Higher education institutions have focused their efforts on promoting research seedbeds as a strategy for formative research. In this regard, the impa.
Higher education institutions have focused their efforts on promoting research seedbeds as a strategy for formative research. In this regard, the impact of such a strategy remains unknown due to the lack of models that enable its evaluation. Therefore, this study aimed to design an evaluation model for the academic productivity of research seedbeds based on the available evidence in the literature. To achieve this, a systematic review was conducted following the PRISMA model, analyzing 53 documents including articles, book chapters, and conference proceedings from the SCOPUS, ProQuest, Jstor, Scielo, and ScienceDirect databases. The results identified indicators that allowed for the design of a model based on six constructs: research training, institutional capabilities, bibliographic production, innovation and development, social appropriation of knowledge, and human resource training. It was concluded that the indicators evaluating research seedbeds seek greater scientific development involving students and improving the quality of research products, which directly impacts the institutional research mission.
Keywords: Formative research, higher education, measurement, productivity, research seedbeds.
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