Creating ESP-Based Language Learning Environment to Foster Critical Thinking Capabilities in Students’ Papers
The purpose of this research is to experimentally evaluate how the “flipped classroom” model used to deliver Business English, which is co.
- Pub. date: April 15, 2020
- Pages: 717-728
- 13 Citations
- #Flipped classroom
- # higher educational institutions
- # multimedia textbook
- # students majoring in economics
- # teaching professionalism-related English.
The purpose of this research is to experimentally evaluate how the “flipped classroom” model used to deliver Business English, which is commonly an integral part to the ESP course at tertiary schools of Economics in Ukraine, to the students majoring in Economics fosters students’ critical thinking skills and improved their academic performances and what students’ perceptions of this model are. The learning environment used a multimedia-based textbook entitled “Business skills through English”. This was experimental research which used a mixed-methods approach. Students’ critical thinking skills and academic performance (learning outcomes) were the variables for this study. Placement tests, needs analysis questionnaires, Course Satisfaction Questionnaire, a test to assess the students’ critical thinking skills were used to collect the statistical data. Cronbach Alpha coefficient was applied to interpret the test on critical thinking data and SPSS AMOS statistical package programme was used to analyse the consolidated data. The study found that the “flipped classroom” model used to deliver ESP and Business English to the students majoring in Economics has the potential to provide a better learning experience for the students and teaching experience for the teachers. This model fosters students’ critical thinking skills by involving them in problem-solving-based learning and improves their academic performances by increasing their responsibility for learning results and stimulating them to use different learning styles. Overall, the above model substitutes a teacher-centered with a student-centered approach that engages learners in the true-to-life business world and language environment. In this way, learning Business English and ESP at higher educational institutions in Ukraine is a move from just training memory (memorizing professionalism-related English vocabulary and doing grammar drills) to applying language as a learning medium in the specifically designed vocational contexts.
flipped classroom higher educational institutions multimedia textbook students majoring in economics teaching professionalism related english
Keywords: Flipped classroom, higher educational institutions, multimedia textbook, students majoring in economics, teaching professionalism-related English.
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