Determination of Teacher Candidates’ Views Concerning V Diagrams Used in General Biology Laboratories
This study was conducted within the scope of the General Biology Laboratory II course, which was taught in the Science Teaching Department in the Spri.
This study was conducted within the scope of the General Biology Laboratory II course, which was taught in the Science Teaching Department in the Spring semester of the 2016-2017 academic year. The study group consisted of 40 teacher candidates in their second year in the Science Teaching Department at a state university in Konya. The purpose of the study, in which case study design was used, was to determine the views of teacher candidates concerning the V diagrams used in the General Biology Laboratory II course. To this end, experiments were conducted for a period of 10 weeks and reports for the experiments were formed by the teacher candidates in the form of V diagrams. The views of the teacher candidates regarding V diagrams were collected through open-ended questions and analyzed via content analysis.
Keywords: Teacher candidate, V diagram, general biology laboratory II
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