Developing an Augmented Reality-Assisted Worksheet to Support the Digital Science Practicum
Arief Muttaqiin
Rani Oktavia
Zaky Farid Luthfi
The purpose of this research is to develop a worksheet that can support a digital science practicum. Conducting a needs analysis comes first in the de.
The purpose of this research is to develop a worksheet that can support a digital science practicum. Conducting a needs analysis comes first in the development of worksheets, then comes product creation. The product produced based on the needs test analysis is a worksheet with the help of science worksheet-augmented reality (SWAR). Two knowledgeable education professionals then evaluate the finished product and test it out on participants or students. The results of the study show that worksheets equipped with augmented reality media are necessary. Meanwhile, the resulting product is valid in an almost perfect category (Pe = 0.7219; Po = 0.9744; K = 0.9078). Student perceptions of the products produced are at an "excellent" level in each category (ME-Av, mean = 3.466; CO-Av, mean = 3.472; CT-Av, mean = 3.503; ST-Av, mean = 3,507; TA-Av, mean = 3.440; IN-Av, mean = 3.640; MO-Av, mean = 3.640). There is a significant inverse relationship between media features (ME-Av) and student interest (IN-Av) based on Pearson's correlation test with r = -.50 (p < .50). Further explanation is presented based on the data that has been collected.
Keywords: Augmented reality, learning technology, digital science practicum.
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