Developing of Computerized Adaptive Testing to Measure Physics Higher Order Thinking Skills of Senior High School Students and its Feasibility of Use
Edi Istiyono , Wipsar Sunu Brams Dwandaru , Risky Setiawan , Intan Megawati
The Computer has occupied a comprehensive coverage, especially in education scopes, including in learning-teaching processes, testing, and evaluating..
- Pub. date: January 15, 2020
- Pages: 91-101
- 25 Citations
The Computer has occupied a comprehensive coverage, especially in education scopes, including in learning-teaching processes, testing, and evaluating. This research aimed to develop computerized adaptive testing (CAT) to measure physics higher-order thinking skills (HOTS), namely PhysTHOTS-CAT. The Research Development used the 4-D developmental model carrying the four phases of define, design, development, and dissemination (4D) developed by Thiagarajan. This testing instrument can give the item test based on the student’s abilities. The research phases include (1) needs analysis and definition, (2) development design (3) development of CAT and assemble the test items into CAT, (4) validation by experts, and (5) feasibility try-out. The findings show that PhysTHOTS-CAT is valid to measure physics HOTS of the 10th-grade students of Senior High School according to 82.28% of teachers and students assessment on PhysTHOTS-CAT content and media. Therefore, it can conclude that PhysTHOTS-CAT can be used and feasible to measure physics HOTS of the 10th-grade students of the Senior High School.
Keywords: Computerized adaptive testing, HOTS, partial credit model, item response theory.
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