Development and Validation of Teachers’ Assessment Belief of Mathematical Thinking Instrument
This study was conducted to corroborate in understanding the teachers’ beliefs about assessment practices. The prior studies related to teachers.
- Pub. date: January 15, 2022
- Pages: 179-191
- 2 Citations
- #Assessment beliefs
- # assessment forms
- # assessment purpose
- # mathematics beliefs
- # mathematical thinking.
This study was conducted to corroborate in understanding the teachers’ beliefs about assessment practices. The prior studies related to teachers’ assessment beliefs in mathematics have been done to assess teachers’ beliefs in the general context of mathematics teaching. This study developed an instrument to assess teachers’ assessment beliefs of mathematical thinking. The research aimed to develop and validate a scale of assessment beliefs of mathematical thinking by using the confirmatory factor analysis. The first draft of the scale contained 25 items. The sample of the study consisted of 537 mathematics teachers from public schools in Oman. The instrument was a questionnaire with a 5-point Likert scale. The scale was validated by asking a number of experts in mathematics educational measurement and evaluation. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis was applied to test the model of assessment beliefs of mathematical thinking scale using AMOS 25.0. All constructs had acceptable reliability. The model had a good model fit for the assessment beliefs of mathematical thinking scale which obtainable from the fit indices tests. The findings revealed that all fit criteria indices were realized. The results also showed acceptable validity and construct reliability for the scale.
assessment beliefs assessment forms assessment purpose mathematics beliefs mathematical thinking
Keywords: Assessment beliefs, assessment forms, assessment purpose, mathematics beliefs, mathematical thinking.
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