Development of a Self-Evaluation Instrument with Programmatic Assessment Components for Undergraduate Medical Students
Dina Qurratu Ainin , Yoyo Suhoyo , Artha Budi Susila Duarsa , Mora Claramita
This study aimed to develop and test a student self-assessment instrument based on the programmatic assessment (PA) components. We applied a series of.
- Pub. date: April 15, 2023
- Pages: 649-662
- 2 Citations
This study aimed to develop and test a student self-assessment instrument based on the programmatic assessment (PA) components. We applied a series of psychometric research methods by (a) conducting a literature study to find PA constructs, (b) developing the students' self-questionnaires, (c) ensuring content validity, (d) testing face validity, and (e) conducting reliability tests that involve medical students, medical teachers, medical educationalist, and an international PA expert. Face validity (readability test) was conducted with 30 medical students from an Indonesian university who were in their last year of pre-clinical education and had average scores above or equal to their classmates. The confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to report the instruments’ validity and reliability. The final instrument was tested on 121 medical students with excellent GPAs from another medical school with a middle-level accreditation. The PA consists of five components: ‘learning activities’, ‘assessment activities’, 'supporting activities’, 'intermediate evaluations’, and ‘final evaluations'. These components are conveyed through 41 relevant statements with a four-point Likert scale and three yes/no statements. According to the respondents, there was a lack of 'supporting activities' and 'intermediate evaluation' components in the PA in their universities. This study has developed and tested a five-component evaluation instrument based on medical students' perceptions regarding PA implementation.
Keywords: Instrument development, medical education, programmatic assessment.
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