Development of Attitude Assessment Instruments Towards Socio-Scientific Issues in Chemistry Learning
A socio-scientific issue is one of the learning techniques used today, which uses various scientific sources to make students think scientifically to .
- Pub. date: October 15, 2022
- Pages: 1947-1958
- 3 Citations
A socio-scientific issue is one of the learning techniques used today, which uses various scientific sources to make students think scientifically to conduct a dialogue and discuss solving a problem. Various problems in socio-scientific are controversial, requiring reasoning, and ethical evaluation in the decision-making process. A conflict between chemical reason and students' social point of view will cause students' different assessments and attitudes towards the socio-scientific issue. This study is a research and development (R&D) that focuses on the instrument's validity with the factor analysis technique to assess attitudes towards the socio-scientific issue in chemistry learning. CFA and EFA analysis found five factors in the tool: anxiety, interests, likes, benefits, confidence, validity, and reliability. The total reliability coefficient is .853. Of the eight instrument feasibility analysis requirements, seven instruments were declared fit to meet construct validity.
Keywords: Attitude, chemistry learning, factor analysis, socio-scientific issue.
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