Development of E-Modules Based on Local Wisdom in Central Learning Model at Kindergartens in Jambi City
This study aims to produce e-modules based on valid and appropriate local wisdom in the Central Learning Model at kindergartens in Jambi. The product .
- Pub. date: October 15, 2019
- Pages: 1137-1143
- 32 Citations
This study aims to produce e-modules based on valid and appropriate local wisdom in the Central Learning Model at kindergartens in Jambi. The product of this research is realized in the form of an electronic module using 3D Pageflip Professional software to determine the feasibility of e-modules as well as knowing the teacher's response to e-modules based on local wisdom in Central Learning Model at kindergartens in Jambi city. The type of this research is developing research that refers to the ADDIE model. After the e-learning module was created, the e-learning module was validated by the expert. Validation was carried out by two material experts and an e-learning module expert until the e-learning module is declared feasible. After the e-learning module has been validated and revised, a trial was then conducted by the respondent to see the perception results. The developed e-modules are stated in the valid category based on the results of the validation of the e-module material and the e-module design which obtains excellent criteria. The results of the questionnaire perception of 62 respondents (lecturers, teachers and students) on e-modules showed an average rate of 83% which is included in the excellent category. These results indicate that the e-module developed in this study is very feasible to use. E-Modules developed in this study are highly recommended for use by Lecturers, Students, and Teachers in the major of Early Childhood Education.
Keywords: Development of e-modules, central learning model, local wisdom.
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