Development of Indonesian Language Text Books with Multiculturalism and Character Education to Improve Traditional Poetry Writing Skills
This research aims to develop Indonesian Language textbooks with multiculturalism and character education for traditional poetry writing learning. Thi.
- Pub. date: January 15, 2021
- Pages: 455-466
- 18 Citations
- #Indonesian textbooks
- # traditional poetry writing skills
- # multiculturalism
- # character education
- # elementary school.
This research aims to develop Indonesian Language textbooks with multiculturalism and character education for traditional poetry writing learning. This research uses a research and development approach until the discovery of a proper textbook. The subjects involved in this study were 101 elementary school fourth-graders, 33 teachers, and 2 Indonesian language and literature learning experts. Data analysis techniques at the need analysis stage through interactive models, and data analysis at the product testing stage using quantitative techniques with non-independent t-test statistics. Preliminary studies found that teachers and students needed creative writing skills textbooks developed by integrating the values of multiculturalism and character education. Textbook development referred to aspects of content, language, presentation, and graphics. Limited textbook product testing using t-test showed that t-obtained= -4,265 and t-table on α = 5 % is 2,064, so H0 is rejected. Broad testing also resulted in t-obtained= -6,426 and t-table = 2,004, so it can be decided that H0 is rejected. Students' traditional poetry writing skills after learning using textbooks are better than before learning using textbooks. Thus it is concluded that the textbooks developed are inferred worthy of use by teachers and students to improve their writing skills in elementary school.
indonesian textbooks traditional poetry writing skills multiculturalism character education elementary school
Keywords: Indonesian textbooks, traditional poetry writing skills, multiculturalism, character education, elementary school.
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