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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
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Research Article

Do Digital Competency and Self-Leadership Influence Teachers' Innovative Work Behavior?

Fetty Poerwita Sary , Nidya Dudija , Milleniartha Moslem

This study investigates whether digital competency and self-leadership influence teachers’ innovative work behavior in Islamic International sch.


This study investigates whether digital competency and self-leadership influence teachers’ innovative work behavior in Islamic International schools. The participants in the quantitative research were 108 teachers from the Islamic International School, who were selected using saturated sampling. The researchers used a 41 items questionnaire to collect data on the study variables. Quantitative data were analyzed by applying structural equation modeling partial least squares (SEM-PLS) using Smart-PLS 3. According to the study's findings, digital competency has a positive and significant impact on innovative work behavior, while self-leadership also has a positive impact that significantly influences innovative work behavior. Overall, the impact of digital competency and self-leadership simultaneously was 0.584 or 58.4%, while the other variables not tested in this study influenced the other 41.6%. This research emphasizes schools to improve building their teachers’ innovative work behavior and for teachers themselves through training, self-development programs, building knowledge sharing among teachers and school leaders, and open ideas about developing pedagogical and sustainable programs for schools.

Keywords: Digital competency, innovative work behavior, self-leadership.

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