Does Multicultural School Leadership Foster a Multicultural Teacher Culture?: The Mediating Role of Multicultural Inspiration, Personality, and Attitude
Multiculturalism in the school environment is challenging for all educational systems. This study examines the effect of multicultural school leadersh.
- Pub. date: October 15, 2022
- Pages: 2387-2399
- 8 Citations
- #Multicultural attitude
- # multicultural inspiration
- # multicultural personality
- # multicultural school leadership
- # multicultural teacher culture.
Multiculturalism in the school environment is challenging for all educational systems. This study examines the effect of multicultural school leadership on multicultural teacher culture and determines mediating effects of multicultural inspiration, personality, and attitude. A quantitative research approach using a cross-sectional survey was used for this study. The population and sample of this study were school principals and high school teachers in Central Java Province, Indonesia. The participants were a total of 357 individuals. Data analysis was done by structural equation modeling (SEM) using the software AMOS 24. The results show that multicultural school leadership directly influences multicultural teacher culture. This study also highlights multicultural inspiration, multicultural personality, and multicultural attitude as factors that mediate the effect of multicultural school leadership on multicultural teacher culture. This study makes a practical and theoretical contribution, especially by providing data to support the improvement of multicultural teacher culture and the importance of multicultural leadership of school leaders in influencing these factors through multicultural inspiration, personality, and attitude.
multicultural attitude multicultural inspiration multicultural personality multicultural school leadership multicultural teacher culture
Keywords: Multicultural attitude, multicultural inspiration, multicultural personality, multicultural school leadership, multicultural teacher culture.
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