Dropouts and Budgets: A Test of a Dropout Reduction Model among Students in Israeli Higher Education
This article deals with the problem of student dropout during the first year in a higher education institution. To date, no model on a budget has been.
- Pub. date: April 15, 2017
- Pages: 123-134
- 2 Citations
- #Dropout reduction
- # educational intervention
- # efficiency
- # human capital
- # productivity
- # student retention
This article deals with the problem of student dropout during the first year in a higher education institution. To date, no model on a budget has been developed and tested to prevent dropout among Engineering Students. This case study was conducted among first-year students taking evening classes in two practical engineering colleges in Israel. There are three dimensions of the dropout reduction model: social support, institutional support and personal commitment. The results of the intervention had a positive effect on all three dimensions.
dropout reduction educational intervention efficiency human capital productivity student retention
Keywords: Dropout reduction, educational intervention, efficiency, human capital, productivity, student retention
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