Educational Robotics and Attention to Diversity: A Case Study
José María Fernández-Batanero
Rocío Piñero-Virué
César Antonio Rodríguez-González
Miguel María Reyes-Rebollo
In this study we focus our research on the case analysis of an eleven-year-old boy and his close relationship with technology, specifically robotics. .
In this study we focus our research on the case analysis of an eleven-year-old boy and his close relationship with technology, specifically robotics. The methodology of the study is experimental in nature, with the aim of improving the subject's attention span through robotics, thereby favouring his educational process and, consequently, his overall development. To this end, the attitudes, and aptitudes that this technological tool has provided the subject with are evaluated over a period of four years. Three data collection instruments were selected: questionnaire, interview, and observation. Among the conclusions we highlight, on the one hand, that the older the age and the greater the interest in robotics, the greater the individual's attention span and greater psychomotor coordination, increasing the improvement in the educational process and in their daily life. On the other hand, robotics is an effective way of orienting knowledge towards the personal and educational sphere and can provide advantages in integral development.
Keywords: Attention to diversity, primary education, robotics, technology.
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