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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS
ethnomathematics education multicultural awareness preservice teachers secondary subject subcultures

Embracing Multicultural Education: How Preservice Mathematics Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Multicultural Pedagogies Differ From Their Non-Mathematics Peers

Matthew D. Gromlich , Peter D. Wiens , Heather Whitesides

Secondary subject subcultures, differing in status, perceived sequentiality, and scope, have been shown to form within departmental content areas. Thi.


Secondary subject subcultures, differing in status, perceived sequentiality, and scope, have been shown to form within departmental content areas. This study aimed to determine if preservice secondary teachers also exhibited attributes of secondary subcultures. Through the Teacher Multicultural Attitude Survey and the Culturally Responsive Teacher Self-Efficacy Scale, this study revealed that subcultures also occur within preservice teachers, specifically preservice mathematics teachers and preservice English teachers, with regards to multicultural awareness and attitudes. The results from this study support the need for purposeful and consistent focus on multicultural education and Ethnomathematics education in mathematics education programs. In doing so, secondary mathematics students can obtain a robust background in multicultural education before entering the PK-12 classroom. When they do enter the PK-12 classroom, they will be able to empower all students that they teach.

Keywords: Ethnomathematics education, multicultural awareness, preservice teachers, secondary subject subcultures.

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