Empowering Pre-service English Teachers' Metacognitive Awareness in Teaching Through Reflections
Successful teaching requires teachers' reflections and metacognitive awareness. However, few studies have investigated the impacts of reflections .
- Pub. date: October 15, 2022
- Pages: 2497-2512
- 4 Citations
- #Knowledge of cognition
- # metacognitive awareness
- # pre-service English teachers
- # reflection
- # regulation of cognition.
Successful teaching requires teachers' reflections and metacognitive awareness. However, few studies have investigated the impacts of reflections on teachers' metacognitive awareness in teaching. This study aimed to examine whether or not reflections can empower Indonesian pre-service English teachers' metacognitive awareness in teaching. Mixed-methods research was conducted to collect quantitative and qualitative data from 36 pre-service English teachers (PSETs) in two micro-teaching classes at the Undergraduate Program, Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Quantitative data from the pre-semester and post-semester were analyzed descriptively and statistically. Qualitative data from reflections and focus group discussions (FGD) focused on determining key issues related to PSETs' metacognitive awareness in teaching. Data analyses revealed that Indonesian PSETs' perceived metacognitive awareness in teaching increased post-semester. They also admitted the positive contributions of reflections in enhancing their metacognitive awareness in teaching. The increase was primarily attributable to the implementation of explicit reflections of the elements of metacognitive awareness in teaching. This research provides recommendations for teachers, lecturers, and future researchers.
knowledge of cognition metacognitive awareness pre service english teachers reflection regulation of cognition
Keywords: Knowledge of cognition, metacognitive awareness, pre-service English teachers, reflection, regulation of cognition.
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