Engineering Competencies and College Education: Faculty and Employer Perspectives on Fresh Graduates
The field of engineering education is constantly evolving to meet the challenges of technological and societal advancements. Continuous research shoul.
- Pub. date: April 15, 2025
- Online Pub. date: March 10, 2025
- Pages: 501-520
- 0 Citations
- #Engineering competencies
- # employers’ perspectives
- # engineering competency model
- # engineering faculty
- # fresh graduates.
The field of engineering education is constantly evolving to meet the challenges of technological and societal advancements. Continuous research should be conducted to identify the potential match between the skills that employers seek and the ones engineering graduates gain at college. The purpose of this study is to identify areas of agreement and disagreement between the faculty and employers regarding the skills and knowledge that engineering students acquire during their undergraduate education. The study uses an explanatory sequential design method by employing a questionnaire that was developed based on the Engineering Competency Model (ECM) by the Employment and Training Administration of the USA Department of Labor and responded to by 125 volunteer engineering faculty. Additionally, interviews were conducted with 2 industry professionals to gain deeper qualitative insights. The study found that while faculty mainly stated that students acquire personal effectiveness, academic, and workplace competencies in college, employers disagreed with these perceptions, particularly regarding interpersonal skills, integrity, professionalism, writing, and communication. Additionally, the study found a significant mismatch between faculty and employer assessments of industry-wide competencies, with employers expressing concerns about graduates' preparedness in areas like design, business, and sustainability. These findings suggest significant updates and cooperation with industry experts in engineering curricula and their implementation.
engineering competencies employers perspectives engineering competency model engineering faculty fresh graduates
Keywords: Engineering competencies, employers’ perspectives, engineering competency model, engineering faculty, fresh graduates.
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