Evaluating Student Knowledge, Performance, and Satisfaction with the Integration of the Sustainable Development Goals into a First-Year Social Education Methodology Course
To ensure a sustainable future, it is important to align educational practices with global sustainability goals. This study examines the impact of int.
- Pub. date: April 15, 2025
- Online Pub. date: March 10, 2025
- Pages: 537-548
- 0 Citations
- #Academic performance
- # knowledge
- # satisfaction
- # social education students
- # sustainable development goals.
To ensure a sustainable future, it is important to align educational practices with global sustainability goals. This study examines the impact of integrating the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into a first-year social education methodology course. Using a survey of 70 students, the relationships between students’ knowledge of the SDGs, their academic performance, and their satisfaction with the integration of the SDGs into their course curriculum were analysed. Findings indicated a significant correlation between enhanced understanding of the SDGs and improved academic performance. The incorporation of the SDGs into the course received somewhat mixed evaluations, however, with most students reporting high overall satisfaction but identifying specific aspects as in need of improvement. Despite this, a greater increase in knowledge of the SDGs by the end of the course appeared to enhance students’ overall satisfaction with the teaching project. These outcomes emphasise the complexity of embedding sustainability in higher education, suggesting that while direct academic improvements may be subtle, cultivating knowledge of the SDGs is pivotal for fostering better educational outcomes and greater student satisfaction. Future research should consider longitudinal and qualitative studies to further explore these dynamics and provide deeper insights into the long-term effects and experiential aspects of integrating the SDGs into university education.
academic performance knowledge satisfaction social education students sustainable development goals
Keywords: Academic performance, knowledge, satisfaction, social education students, sustainable development goals.
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