Evaluation of the Teacher's Role in Promoting the Sense of Family Belonging: A Comparative Study between Contexts in Colombia and Spain
Begoña Galián
María Ángeles Hernández-Prados
María Luisa Belmonte
The sense of belonging is a human need that educational systems must foster to achieve student success. In the school setting, this feeling strengthen.
- Pub. date: January 15, 2025
- Online Pub. date: November 20, 2024
- Pages: 107-119
- 0 Citations
- #Comparative study
- # education policies
- # educational participation
- # needs assessment
- # sense of belonging.
The sense of belonging is a human need that educational systems must foster to achieve student success. In the school setting, this feeling strengthens the bond between members of the institution and motivates families to become more involved with the school, improving the overall school climate. Teachers play a crucial role in promoting this sense of belonging by influencing the connection between families and the educational community. This study aims to understand how teachers from different contexts, one Colombian and the other Spanish, promote families' sense of belonging to the school. To this end, an evaluative, comparative, quantitative, and non-experimental study was conducted using a validated questionnaire applied to a significant sample in both contexts. The results show that, for teachers in both contexts, it is very important for families to feel satisfied with the education their children receive, which is why they strive to build trust in the teaching staff. The sense of belonging is more strongly promoted by teachers in charter schools and those with more years of experience in schools in the Spanish context. In the Colombian context, women are the ones who most actively promote it, thereby perpetuating gender roles. There is a need to provide specific training for teachers to help them develop this capacity in families, as well as to conduct further research to explore the differences that may influence the promotion of a sense of belonging.
comparative study education policies educational participation needs assessment sense of belonging
Keywords: Comparative study, education policies, educational participation, needs assessment, sense of belonging.
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