Factors Affecting the Learning of Second - Generation Migrant Children in Greek Primary School
Aikaterini Liagkoura
Rosalia Romero Tena
Begoña E. Sampedro Requena
An issue that has preoccupied young researchers and educators is the interaction of the fields of special and intercultural education as well as the f.
An issue that has preoccupied young researchers and educators is the interaction of the fields of special and intercultural education as well as the factors that lead to the coexistences of them. The purpose of this study is to examine the factors that hinder the learning process of second-generation immigrant students in Greek primary schools. The ages of the children we will refer to are 7-8 years old due to the school achievements in reading and writing that are mastered up to this age point. This study is part of a larger study, which consists of qualitative and quantitative data from two research tools: interviews and questionnaires from teachers and guardians. The results were divided into categories. One of the main ones that stand in the way of children's learning is psychological and social factors, according to 91.8% of the participants in the questionnaire. In addition, it is worth noting that 82.6% argued that the reason students have learning difficulties is due to biological reasons. In conclusion, there is a correlation between learning difficulties and intercultural education that should be studied. The latter can play a pivot role to the assistance of the diverse categories of students' needs.
Keywords: Immigrants, intercultural education, learning difficulties, second- generation
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