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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS
Research Article

Factors Revealed while Posing Mathematical Modelling Problems by Mathematics Student Teachers

Semiha Kula Unver , Caglar Naci Hidiroglu , Ayse Tekin Dede , Esra Bukova Guzel

The purpose of this study is to reveal factors considered by mathematics student teachers while posing modelling problems. The participants were twent.

  • Pub. date: October 15, 2018
  • Pages: 941-952
  • 10 Citations


The purpose of this study is to reveal factors considered by mathematics student teachers while posing modelling problems. The participants were twenty-seven mathematics student teachers and posed their modelling problems within their groups. The data were obtained from the modelling problems posed by the participants, their solutions on these problems and the groups’ reflective diaries regarding their problem posing and solution processes. The data were analyzed by using content analysis and the codes were constructed according to the problems’ contents. The participants' diaries were examined in terms of generated codes and the expressions supporting/relating the codes were determined. While designing the problems, the participants considered the factors such as being interesting, understandable, appropriateness to real life and modelling process, model construction, and usability of different mathematical concepts. Their solutions were generally handled in terms of usage of the mathematical statements, appropriateness to the modelling process and being meaningful for real life. Modelling training should be provided to enable the student teachers to develop modelling problems and their designs should be examined and the feedbacks should be given.

Keywords: Mathematical modelling; mathematics student teacher; modelling problem posing

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