Grade-3 Learners’ Performance and Conceptual Understanding Development in Technology-Enhanced Teaching With Interactive Mathematics Software
This study presented the effect of interactive mathematics (IM) software assisted-teaching on primary three learners' conceptual understanding and.
- Pub. date: April 15, 2023
- Pages: 759-774
- 2 Citations
- #Conceptual understanding
- # interactive mathematics software
- # lower primary school
- # mathematics education
- # Rwanda.
This study presented the effect of interactive mathematics (IM) software assisted-teaching on primary three learners' conceptual understanding and performance. The cognitive theory of multimedia learning (CTML) supported the quasi-experimental design of this study drawing on IM software features that fit a multimedia tool for effective learning. This study used a sample of 138 lower primary learners. Learners’ test scores and examples of their work provided data to be analyzed. Learners' conceptual understanding was measured using the percentage of learners who performed a particular item and analyzed using sample learners' work while the overall performance was measured using the mean class scores. From the data analysis, IM-assisted teaching influenced conceptual understanding and performance based on a .05 p-value, the effect size of significance, and learning gains. The analysis of learners’ workings revealed different errors in addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication, which were remarkably reduced in the post-test by IM-supported teaching. This evidenced conceptual understanding development by IM-supported teaching. The study suggested the integration of IM in the Rwandan Competence-Based curriculum and its use as an instructional tool in teaching and learning mathematics at the primary level. Besides, it was recommended that Rwanda Education Board support teachers in developing basic computer skills to effectively create and monitor a multimedia learning environment for effective learning. Furthermore, further similar research would improve the literature about interactive technologies in supporting quality mathematics delivery and outcomes.
conceptual understanding interactive mathematics software lower primary school mathematics education rwanda
Keywords: Conceptual understanding, interactive mathematics software, lower primary school, mathematics education, Rwanda.
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