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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS
Research Article

Grounded Theory on Creating and Maintaining Adult Education Programs in Selected Higher Education Institutions in the Philippines

Felixberto M. Mercado , Benilda N. Villenas

This study is an attempt to develop a grounded theory on how adult education in higher education (AEHE hereafter) programs in the Philippines are crea.


This study is an attempt to develop a grounded theory on how adult education in higher education (AEHE hereafter) programs in the Philippines are created and maintained. The grounded theory illustrates the interrelation of factors that stimulate or serve as the drivers of AEHE in higher education institutions in the Philippines as well as the management and maintenance of AEHE at the operational and strategic levels, hence illustrating the bigger picture of adult education in higher education in the Philippines. Funded by the Commission on Higher Education (CHEd) of the Philippines, this study was part of a larger research project that investigated adult education in Philippine higher education institutions, that is, State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) and Private Higher Education Institutions (PHEIs). The data were derived from focus group discussions (FGD) with 43 participants from eight SUCs and nine private HEIs that have adult education programs that are regularly offered every academic year. The grounded theory drawn from the study pointed to the contextual – personal and institutional – factors, strategic and operational levels of management as well as the critical role of academic policy for the implementation and maintenance of AEHE programs, collaboration, and a compelling vision to ensure that adult education in higher education in the Philippines is prioritized in the country with involvement of relevant government agencies that will draw definite agendas and priorities to attain the goals of AEHE through a structure and management to carry out its functions and realize its compelling objective of creating a cadre of AEHE educators and specialists and adults suited for the demands of a knowledge-driven economy.

Keywords: Adult education in higher education, grounded-theory, Philippine higher education.

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