How Covid-19 Reshaped the Views of the University Instructors on Technology Integration
The aim of this exploratory case study is to investigate the impact of the pandemic as an unexpected situational variable on university instructors&rs.
- Pub. date: January 15, 2024
- Pages: 15-28
- 0 Citations
- #Covid-19 pandemic
- # future of education
- # higher education
- # online teaching
- # university instructors.
The aim of this exploratory case study is to investigate the impact of the pandemic as an unexpected situational variable on university instructors’ perceptions and attitudes towards technology integration, as well as their foresight about the future of education in post Covid-19 era. The data for the study came from autobiographies, narratives, and opinionnaires. The findings revealed that the degree of familiarity with educational technology and eagerness to integrate technology into education made a difference in academicians’ adaptation to the new mode of delivery. As for their predictions for the future, an increase in the use of educational technology not only in teaching, but also in testing and assessment is expected. Participants also emphasized a need to enhance the infrastructure to avoid any further technical issues and offer continuous development opportunities for teachers and students to become familiar with new technologies.
covid 19 pandemic future of education higher education online teaching university instructors
Keywords: Covid-19 pandemic, future of education, higher education, online teaching, university instructors.
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