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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
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Research Article

Implementation Supplementary Book of Green Consumerism: Improving Students HOTS in Environmental Learning

Ilmi Zajuli Ichsan , Diana Vivanti Sigit , Mieke Miarsyah , Ahmad Ali , Tri Suwandi , Titin

Environmental learning in the 21st century must be contextual and require the ability of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) to solve environmental pr.


Environmental learning in the 21st century must be contextual and require the ability of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) to solve environmental problems such as green consumerism. The purpose of this study was to implement an Android-based Supplementary Book of Green Consumerism (SBGC) to improve students' HOTS abilities in environmental learning. The method used experiment with a sample of 144 students in 8th grade of Junior High School. Students divided into 72 students in control classes and 72 students in experimental classes. The treatment given was in the form of using SBGC in the experimental classes. The results showed that the students HOTS score increased significantly in the pre-post test in the experimental class or when compared to the control class. Increased in the experimental classes from a score 15.7 (very low) to 32.73 (low). Meanwhile, when compared between the experimental classes with a score 32.73 (low) and control classes with a score 25.25 (very low). This showed that SBGC is easy to understand. SBGC is also interesting so that makes students become active in learning. The conclusion of this study was that SBGC can increased students' HOTS in environmental learning.

Keywords: Environmental learning, HOTS, supplementary book of green consumerism.

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