Implementing the Quality of Life and Potential of Social Farming
Catia Giaconi
Noemi Del Bianco
Ilaria D’Angelo
Alessandra Marfoglia
The present study explores the Quality of Life (QoL) of young people with intellectual disabilities engaged in a social farming initiative, known as &.
- Pub. date: July 15, 2024
- Online Pub. date: April 22, 2024
- Pages: 1291-1301
- 0 Citations
The present study explores the Quality of Life (QoL) of young people with intellectual disabilities engaged in a social farming initiative, known as ‘‘Tuttincampo: Social Farming and Inclusivity’’. The project stands as an innovative approach to improving social inclusion and providing vocational education and training. The initiative seeks to offer a viable alternative to traditional rehabilitation day centers by establishing a network of both public and private institutions. To explore the QoL of the young people we analyze data from the Personal Outcome Scale (POS), a tool that investigates the perception of QoL through self-assessment and hetero-assessment. Data were collected at the beginning and at the end of the social agriculture project. The results obtained confirm the importance of planning pedagogical actions to support social inclusion and vocational training for people with intellectual disabilities, highlighting, as well, the potential of social farming as a new “space” to achieve a higher level of QoL.
Keywords: Intellectual disabilities, personal outcome scale, quality of life, social farming.
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