Inclusive Education in Practice in Kosovo: Perspectives of Assistants for Students with Special Educational Needs
Ereblir Kadriu
Natyra Agani-Destani
Blerine Bytyqi
Valdrin Sopi
The field of education greatly benefits from inclusive education, which is praised for acknowledging and valuing student diversity and individual need.
- Pub. date: October 15, 2024
- Online Pub. date: July 22, 2024
- Pages: 1761-1773
- 0 Citations
The field of education greatly benefits from inclusive education, which is praised for acknowledging and valuing student diversity and individual needs. Kosovo, as a newly independent country, went through major reforms, particularly in the realm of education, which is marked, among others, by initiatives that anticipate fostering and promoting inclusive education. Initiatives and programs throughout the country were designed and initiated to promote and advocate for inclusivity in the education system. To foster inclusivity, assistants for students with special educational needs were introduced to enable students with special needs to be part of regular education. Thus, in this study, the experiences of assistants for students with special educational needs in Kosovo are explored. This study employed semi-structured interviews to collect data and utilized thematic analysis to identify key themes and topics. The participants in the study included nine assistants for students with special education needs, reflecting diverse perspectives and experiences in the field of inclusive education. The following themes and topics were identified as the main findings of this study: (a) joy, excitement, and pride with the work; (b) individualized education plan (IPE); (c) lack of resources and guidelines; (d) (lack of) cooperation with parents and families; (e) united in unity: the power of collegial support; and f) promoting and advocating for inclusive education.
Keywords: Inclusive education, Kosovo, special educational needs, teaching assistant.
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