Integrated STEM Education Competence Framework for University Lecturers
The rapid advancement of science, engineering, and technology, driven by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, has heightened the demand for a highly skil.
- Pub. date: January 15, 2025
- Online Pub. date: December 17, 2024
- Pages: 135-150
- 0 Citations
- #Integrated STEM education
- # integrated STEM education competence
- # university lecturers
- # STEM
- # STEM education.
The rapid advancement of science, engineering, and technology, driven by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, has heightened the demand for a highly skilled workforce in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. Integrated STEM education has emerged as a key driver of educational innovation in Vietnam, spanning both general and higher education. The competence of university lecturers in delivering integrated STEM education, a newly recognized pedagogical and professional skill set, is crucial to the success of STEM education at the tertiary level. As with general pedagogical competence, the development of an integrated STEM education competence framework is essential for enhancing this capability among university lecturers. However, there remains a lack of theoretical foundation and best practices tailored to the Vietnamese higher education context. This study aims to develop a framework for integrated STEM education competence specifically for university lecturers through document analysis and survey research. Multivariate statistical techniques, including exploratory factor analysis (EFA), Cronbach’s alpha, and Pearson correlation, were applied to analyze data collected from 205 lecturers across nine public universities in Vietnam. The integrated STEM education competence framework for Vietnamese university lecturers consists of three component competencies and 23 items: designing and implementing integrated STEM education (15 items), assessing integrated STEM learning outcomes (4 items), and demonstrating positive attitudes toward integrated STEM education (4 items). The framework was found to be both reliable and valid, with strong positive correlations among the three component competencies. This study also outlines limitations and provides recommendations for future research.
integrated stem education integrated stem education competence university lecturers stem stem education
Keywords: Integrated STEM education, integrated STEM education competence, university lecturers, STEM, STEM education.
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