Investigating the Implementation of Universal Design for Learning in Greek Secondary and Second Chance Schools through Teachers' Reflections Dayle Learning
In the last decades, the notion of universal design for learning (UDL) has gained prominence in the Greek educational scene (former government plan in.
- Pub. date: July 15, 2022
- Pages: 1851-1863
- 2 Citations
- #Greek secondary education
- # reflection journal
- # second chance schools
- # universal design for learning.
In the last decades, the notion of universal design for learning (UDL) has gained prominence in the Greek educational scene (former government plan in education, projects based on UDL). This educational philosophy is essentially a necessary inclusive practice given the new conditions, the extreme heterogeneity of the student population due to socio-political and economic factors, and the exceptional circumstances due to COVID-19 pandemic. The UDL aims to ensure access and equity in learning for all learners despite differentiating characteristics. With our study, we seek to investigate whether teachers in secondary and second chance schools (SCS) are ready to implement UDL, what their expectations are, what obstacles they face, and the results of implementation through their records in reflection journals, a practice that is fully consistent with the context of UDL.
greek secondary education reflection journal second chance schools universal design for learning
Keywords: Greek secondary education, reflection journal, second chance schools, universal design for learning.
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