It is the Shared Aims, Trust and Compassion that Allow People to Prosper: Teacher Educators´ Lifelong Learning in Competence-based Education
Teachers´ life-long learning and occupational well-being is significant in promoting educational goals and professional development. The aim of .
- Pub. date: April 15, 2022
- Pages: 965-980
- 5 Citations
Teachers´ life-long learning and occupational well-being is significant in promoting educational goals and professional development. The aim of the study was to determine which factors contribute to teacher educators´ commitment to work and give them energy for work and self-development. The research data consisted of 24 teacher educators in Oulu University of Applied Sciences. The research method of this case study was a qualitative, thematic content analysis, the research approach phenomenography. The most important single factor seemed to be the community of teachers, students and the administrative staff which are included in dialogue and collaboration. Emotions, meaningfulness, and interaction play an important role, often via pedagogical fellowship. Committed teacher educators take responsibility for workplace culture and transformation of teaching. Positive attitudes, motivation, reflection, and dialogue seem to be connected to professional capability and the ethos of teacher educators´ work.
Keywords: Co-passion, dialogue, professional identity, sociocultural environment, transformation.
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