Jubail Industrial College (JIC) Educational Quality Assurance and Management Procedures: Chemical and Process Engineering Technology Department as an Example
The main goal of this paper is to briefly describe the educational quality assurance procedures of Jubail Industrial College and share its experience .
- Pub. date: July 15, 2019
- Pages: 659-669
- 3 Citations
- #Quality in higher education
- # educational quality assurance procedures
- # JIC educational quality assurance procedures
- # quality assurance and quality procedures
The main goal of this paper is to briefly describe the educational quality assurance procedures of Jubail Industrial College and share its experience with other local and international institutions that are potentially interested in implementing similar quality assurance procedures in their various departments. This paper follows a document and descriptive method. Document analysis qualitative approach was opted. In essence, implementing quality assurance procedures within any educational institution ensures quality education and helps to maintain an organized structure. Internal quality assurance policies and practices guarantee that the quality of education in an academic institution is consistently monitored. This paper can be utilized by both academic planners and quality assurance personnel in academic institutions. The quality assurance procedures described in this paper are used to ensure the quality of education specific to the Jubail Industrial College; however, it can be applied in other academic institutions as well.
quality in higher education educational quality assurance procedures jic educational quality assurance procedures quality assurance and quality procedures
Keywords: Quality in higher education, educational quality assurance procedures, JIC educational quality assurance procedures, quality assurance and quality procedures
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