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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
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Research Article

Learning of Biographical Writing for Coping with Ethnic Prejudice in a Culturally Diverse Society

Muhammad Thoyibi , Dwi Haryanti , Yeny Prastiwi Susiati

The purpose of this paper is to explore if the learning of biographical writing contributes to the positive views and attitudes towards others of diff.

  • Pub. date: January 15, 2022
  • Pages: 511-522
  • 0 Citations


The purpose of this paper is to explore if the learning of biographical writing contributes to the positive views and attitudes towards others of different groups. The paper used the Research and Development approach by designing and implementing a learning model of biographical writing. The subjects of this study were 200 seventh-grade students having different ethnic and religious backgrounds from nine junior high schools. The data-collecting method was pretest-posttest. The results of the study demonstrated that the average scores of the aspects of student empathy, student positive attitudes towards ethnic differences, and student positive attitudes towards religious differences increased in all the schools investigated. The increase of average score in the aspect of student empathy, positive attitudes towards ethnic differences, and positive attitudes towards religious differences could be classified into three categories: high, medium, and low. Most of the schools under study experienced medium and low increases of average score in all aspects.

Keywords: Biographical writing, ethnic prejudice, multicultural education, religious prejudice.

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