Mathematical Connection Process of Students with High Mathematics Ability in Solving PISA Problems
Baiduri Baiduri , Octavina Rizky Utami Putri , Ikrimatul Alfani
The aim of this study is to analyze and explain the mathematical connection process for students with a high mathematical ability to solve problems in.
- Pub. date: October 15, 2020
- Pages: 1527-1537
- 9 Citations
The aim of this study is to analyze and explain the mathematical connection process for students with a high mathematical ability to solve problems in terms of gender. Explorative descriptive research with a qualitative approach was used in this study. Data was collected through written tests and interviews conducted to a male and female student of class X Mathematics and Natural Sciences with high mathematical abilities. Data credibility is obtained through triangulation of methods and time. Furthermore, the data are analyzed with a flowchart which includes data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that there were similarities and differences in the mathematical connection processes of male and female students. Similarities in the process of mathematical connections occur when making mathematical connections with other sciences and with everyday life in each of Polya's stages. In addition, the similarity of the connection process also occurs when connecting in mathematics during the re-checking stage. While the difference in the connection process in mathematics between male and female students is done at the stage of understanding the problem, solving strategies and implementing problem solving.
Keywords: Gender, mathematical ability, mathematical connections, problem solving.
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