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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS
Research Article

Measurement of Metacognition: Adaptation of Metacognitive State Inventory in Spanish to Mexican University Students

Luz Marina Mendez-Hinojosa , Magaly Cardenas-Rodriguez , Cesar Alejandro Ortiz-Paez

Some of the most important skills of university students is to develop the capacity to resolve problems posed by their communities, which implies that.


Some of the most important skills of university students is to develop the capacity to resolve problems posed by their communities, which implies that students become independent, autonomous and self-regulated. Also they need to be capable of monitor, asses and modify their learning through their own process of metacognition, this way they can develop the required knowledge and improve their learning. To analyze it, the objective of this research is to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Metacognitive State Inventory in Mexican university students. For this reason, the Metacognitive State Inventory was applied to 908 students. To confirm a second order hierarchy model with four first order factors, confirmatory factor analysis was used (CFA).Four items were eliminated to obtain a better model fit. Internal consistency was accessed through McDonald's omega coefficient. In this way, evidence of the construct validity and reliability of the instrument was provided. The Inventory of the Metacognitive State was correlated with the CEVEAPEU Questionnaire, obtaining significant positive correlations between both instruments, thus providing certainty of convergent validity.

Keywords: Metacognition, self-regulation, metacognitive state inventory, inventory.

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